Strategic Framework for the Financial Management of Disaster Risk (Panama)
Resource ID
Strategic Framework for the Financial Management of Disaster Risk (Panama)
March 2, 2015, 2:52 p.m., Publication
With promulgation of Executive Decree 578 of November 13, 2014, the government of Panama (GoP) formalized its guiding framework for the management of fiscal risk in the event of disasters relat- ed to the impact of natural hazards. The decree approved the adoption of the Strategic Framework for the Financial Management of Disaster Risk1, making Panama the first country in the region to implement such a framework un- der an executive decree. Adoption of the Strategic Framework represents the cul- mination of a series of public reforms, consultations, and studies undertaken by the GoP in recent years. These efforts have created a strong legal mandate in Panama for establishing a financial management strategy that addresses natural disasters. One of the milestones in this process was enactment of Law 7 of February 11, 2005, which reorganized the National Civil Protection System (Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil, or SINAPROC), as- signing it responsibilities for the planning, investigation, direction, supervision, and organization of policies and actions designed to prevent material and psychosocial risks and to gauge the potential danger of natural and anthropogenic disasters in the country (Government of Panama 2012). In 2005, the Panama National Committee of the Center for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central Amer- ica (Centro de Coordinación para la Prevención de De- sastres Naturales en América Central, or CEPREDENAC), which was established under Executive Decree 402 of December 12, 2002, was given responsibility for develop- ing the National Risk Management Platform (Plataforma Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos). This platform became a multi-stakeholder mechanism that fostered a broad par- ticipatory process and led the GoP to adopt the National Policy on Integrated Disaster Risk Management (Política Nacional de Gestión Integral de Riesgo de Desastres, or PNGIRD) in December 2010. The policy establishes the principles of integrated risk management for the country and identifies five pillars for coordination with the stake- holders responsible for its implementation.2 The PNGIRD assigns responsibility for financial manage- ment of disaster risk to the Ministry of Economy and Fi- nance (MEF) through the State Directorate of Investment, Concessions, and Risks (Dirección de Inversiones, Con- cesiones y Riesgos del Estado, or DICRE). Thus the MEF, through DICRE, is responsible for implementing a finan- cial protection strategy in coordination with the Gener- al Directorate of SINAPROC, as well as for implementing the National Risk Management Platform. To ensure that these functions are performed, Executive Decree 479 of November 22, 2011, assigns additional responsibilities to DICRE, specifically the design, development, and imple- mentation of investment policies for financial protection through risk management programs applicable through- out the state, including disaster risk management. Pursuant to the terms of the PNGIRD, in 2011 SINAPROC approved the National Disaster Risk Management Plan 2011–2015 (Plan Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos de De- sastres 2011–2015, or PNGRD), which was prepared with the support of the National Risk Management Platform. Along with the National Emergency Plan, the PNGRD is the main programmatic instrument for implementation of the PNGIRD.
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Maintenance Frequency
not filled
Public Domain
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Supplemental Information
drought, river_flood, tsunami, strong_wind, volcanic_ash, landslide
Data Quality
  • x0:
  • x1:
  • y0:
  • y1:
Spatial Reference System Identifier
(6715, 85, 497, 48, 85, 'WBG', 'wbg'), (6714, 144, 497, 48, 144, 'Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Report', 'disaster-risk-financing-and-insurance-report'), (6716, 214, 497, 48, 214, 'Panama', 'panama')
Geoscientific Information